Life in the Capital, Media, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

Post’s Managing Editor Steps Down

The Washington Post
Originally uploaded by krossbow

Well, I didn’t see that coming on a Monday Morning. The Post’s managing editor for print, Phil Bennett, is stepping down effective Friday. It was previously announced that their managing editor of was stepping down after the inauguration, but it now seems that both of the major editors at the Post are out the door in the same month.

What’s cooking over at the Washington Post that’s got people running for the exits? Is circulation really that far down?

Life in the Capital, Weekend Flashback

Weekend Flashback: 1/2 – 1/4/2009

Photo courtesy of trentroche
IMG_4071, courtesy of trentroche

Happy 2009!

Yes, I’m a few days late. I hope your celebrations weren’t too disruptive to your weekend frolicking. From what I’ve seen on Flickr, it seems that everyone was out and about in the area, despite the chilly air.

We’ll be announcing our Holiday Photo Contest winner and runner-up later this week, so stay peeled to We LoveDC! In the meantime, we’ve got museums, metro, cupcakes and Caps for this Monday’s flashback. Please visit these photographers’ flickr streams; some have some great info on their photos. Also let them know you saw their shot right here on Weekend Flashback.

On with the show! Continue reading

Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed

Inauguration Bits

Presidential Inaguaration Site, courtesy chip py the photo guy

Presidential Inaguaration Site, courtesy chip py the photo guy

Tom and I keep getting asked by our out of town friends and relatives what it’s like to live in the middle of history as DC prepares for Inauguration 2009. I always explain it this way- DC went through the motions to get ready for Christmas, with the National Tree Lighting and whatnot, but the economy is in the tank so no one wants to talk about Christmas anyway. The any visions of sugarplums dancing in heads in DC have been  for the Inauguration.  With that in mind, a few Inauguration-related items from across the Internets:
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Life in the Capital, News

Not a list we want to be on.

Photo courtesy of Mike Licht,

Start the Economic Recovery while President Bush is Out of Town
courtesy of Mike Licht,

If you’re at your computer to read this, then odds are you’ve already seen that Fortune magazine has put us as number ten in the 10 Worst Real-estate Markets of 2009. What you probably haven’t seen is anything resembling some informed analysis – everyone is just bandying about that “experts say.” What experts? Based on what? What the hell does that mean, anyway?

Let’s try to take a slightly more detailed look, shall we? Continue reading

Arlington, Downtown, Life in the Capital, The Features

Thrifty District: Cheap, but Chic


"French Flappers, Parisian Cafe 1920's" by Vintage Lulu on Flickr

In one of my many other lives, I’m a theater costume designer. However, I’m not really a costumer (someone who actually makes clothes), though I sew on occasion, I’m always disappointing my friends by not making them exquisite clothes from scratch. But what I can do is shop with them! Costume designers have to realize a director’s expansive and expensive vision on a sometimes depressingly tight budget in a small amount of time. So in our continuing series on the Thrifty District and how to maximize your fast-depleting funds, I thought I’d give you a little taste of my favorite shops to get cheap yet chic fashion.

Let’s start with the basic rules (getting them out of the way fast so we can have fun with shops!):

Know Yourself and Support Yourself
No, this isn’t some New Age mantra. It means don’t buy anything that doesn’t fit. If it’s too tight or too loose just don’t do it. Don’t get distracted by sizes, they don’t mean anything anyway. If you knew your actual dressmaker size you’d freak out the number is so high – even you superskinny misses! Continue reading

Life in the Capital, Technology, The Daily Feed, The District

Should I Switch to Verizon?

Fountain Feet by me

I’ve been a loyal AT&T/Cingular customer for many, many years now and I have no major complaints really.  Sure, sometimes my calls get dropped when I drive under certain bridges in town, but overall I’ve been a happy customer and I love the idea of rollover minutes (even though I never seem to use them).

I’m also a gadget junky.  I’ve been reading about the Samsung Omnia for months now which was rumored to be released by AT&T in the US market.  Unfortunately it was not and Verizon is the only carrier offering the phone.  I suppose I could buy it unlocked on eBay and continue to use AT&T, but the easier thing to do might be to switch to Verizon.

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Essential DC, Life in the Capital, Weekend Flashback

Weekend Flashback: 12/12 – 12/14

Photo courtesy of jjgardner3
nclud Holiday Party, courtesy of jjgardner3

Crazy-beautiful weekend, with cold temps to remind us what month we’re in, and a clear blue sky yesterday that made you ignore said cold.

We’re halfway through the holiday season; have you thought about entering our first Holiday Photo Contest? I’ve put up a couple of the entries we’ve seen so far in the flickr pool; hope these inspire you to get out there and take your own photos to enter – just don’t get into any fights, okay?

A weekend medley after the jump. Continue reading

Interviews, Life in the Capital, People

Why I Love DC: Jasmine

Photo courtesy of maxedaperture
Washington Monument, courtesy of maxedaperture

All the authors here at We Love DC have written essays on why they love DC. Since I’m the newest addition, it has fallen to me to explain just why it is that I love DC.

I love DC for a lot of reasons, but primarily because DC has character. Name a state that has as vitriolic a slogan as “Taxation Without Representation” on their license plates. The people of DC are pissed, and they want everyone to know about it. How can you not love that? I dig a city with passion.

DC is its own city–it will never turn into NYC, or be confused with LA. The architecture is fantastic, and as a fan of little bronze plaques, I love that it seems like a historic event happened on every corner. My personal favorite is the Wok n Roll in Chinatown, which is the current occupant of the Surratt Boarding House (allegedly where the conspiring to assassinate Lincoln went down).

I don’t know if you know this, but DC is kind of a big deal. Important people do important things here every day. Stuff like, oh I don’t know, running the country. I love people-watching during rush hour and wondering what exactly those guys and girls in the serious suits got up to today. DC is also kind of a must-see for pretty much every American. Just check out people’s reactions when they hear that you’ve never been: “Whaaat?? Not even on a school trip?!” Yeah. I live there. And yeah, I can tell you exactly how to get to that museum/monument/restaurant. (OK, maybe not because directions aren’t my thing, but I can fake it.)

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Interviews, Life in the Capital, People

He Loves DC: Peter Earnest (Part 1)


As many are aware (and many more not), my first job in the DC area – what brought me here in the first place – was a full-time position in management with the International Spy Museum. At that time, I made the acquaintance of the Executive Director, Peter Earnest. As founding director, Peter brings to the museum over 35 years of experience with the Central Intelligence Agency, including two decades in the CIA’s Clandestine Service. He’s also served in the Office of the Director of Central Intelligence as liaison officer to the Senate and as an investigator / inspector with the Inspector General. He was a member of the CIA’s Senior Management Service and awarded the Agency’s Intelligence Medal of Merit for “superior performance” throughout his career.

A fascinating man who’s led a most interesting career with the CIA, Peter was gracious enough to sit down and talk about Washington, his career and espionage within DC with me. We had such a great time and shared so much info, I’ve had to break the interview up into two segments. We’ll publish Part 2 next week.

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Life in the Capital, The Hill, WTF?!

Somebody Going To Emergency, Somebody’s Going To Jail

Kilmainham Jail (Gaol) by Sean Munson

There’s Politics, there’s politics, and then there’s Rod Blagojevich, Governor of Illinois. He was arrested this morning on a Federal warrant for corruption charges. You can read the press release (PDF) or you can read the whole complaint (PDF).

It reads like a bad novel. Seriously, writers couldn’t make up corruption this blatant, this ridiculous, this hubristic. The blatant “pay for play” and pure escapist’s collusive fantasy, it’s hard to take in without thinking, as my friend PJ does, that Illinois no longer deserves the right to hold free elections.

There are as many as five potential senate candidates listed in the complaint, though none by name. I suspect the big name journalism outfits are attempting to do a game of “who’s goin’ to the pokey” by identifying characteristics from the complaint and attaching them to actual names. This one will likely get uglier and uglier, and may very well taint some of the President Elect’s campaign and advisors before we get too much further.

The Post’s Carrie Johnson has a detailed examination of the situation, and I suspect that this one is going to get much, much uglier before it gets any better.

Just a sampling, so you can see just what kind of Jail this guy belongs in, assuming he doesn’t get strung up by the masses, please check out this choice quote:

“[I]ntercepted phone conversations between ROD BLAGOJEVICH and others indicate that ROD BLAGOJEVICH is contemplating rescinding his commitment of state funds to benefit Children’s Memorial Hospital because Hospital Executive 1 has not made a recent campaign contribution to ROD BLAGOJEVICH.”

Yep. He’s just that sleazy.

Entertainment, Life in the Capital, The District

Downtown Holiday Market Opens

Russian Egg Christmas Ornaments
Russian Egg Ornaments by Tom Bridge

The Downtown Holiday Market on F Street in Penn Quarter started at noon today, and features dozens of market stalls of some of the coolest locally-made stuff that I’ve seen. There are homemade cutting boards, made with beautifully-grained Shenandoah trees, amazing decoupage boxes in just about every shape and size, with just about every different pattern you can imagine.

The pedestrian market is right across the street from the Verizon Center, so if you’re out to get lunch at Gordon Biersch, or Rosa Mexicano, or maybe Jaleo, stop on by the market. It’s open every day between now and the 23rd, from noon until 8pm. There’s fair-trade coffee and tea vendors, with sample pourers, so you won’t freeze despite the chill. There’s all manner of unique crafts and gift opportunities. Read on for more photos from the Market.
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Adventures, Downtown, Entertainment, Essential DC, Fun & Games, Life in the Capital, Special Events

DC Loves the Holidays

Photo courtesy of FredoAlvarez
Union Station Wreaths, courtesy of FredoAlvarez

Ok, I confess.

My initial intent with doing a “Holiday Happenings” article was to hit the majority of the cool stuff happening in the area. But as I did more and more research, the more amazed (and flummoxed) I became with the sheer volume of cool holiday stuff to do around here.

This’ll be my third Christmas in the area and my first real foray into finding out what all is going on to sate my holiday appetite. Normally we just hit the area neighborhood to ‘oooh’ and ‘aaah’ over light displays but this year? We wanted to really take advantage of the season.

Hence wanting to take this project on. Boy, am I ashamed to say I was utterly ignorant on the goings-on around here during December.

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Essential DC, Interviews, Life in the Capital, People

We Thank DC

In This Temple
Originally uploaded by stuckincustoms

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! As per custom with many today, we here at WeLoveDC want to take a moment and share what we’re thankful for with regards to the DC Metro area, our home.

We all wish you a great and bountiful day today, many leftovers for tomorrow, and good shopping deals over the weekend. But most of all, we wish every one of our readers well and toast at our tables to your health, your happiness, and your prosperity.

Our personal “What we’re thankful for about DC” after the jump.

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Adventures, Downtown, Entertainment, Essential DC, Life in the Capital, Weekend Flashback

Weekend Flashback: 11/21 – 11/23

Photo courtesy of M.V. Jantzen
Back from the Past, courtesy of M.V. Jantzen

From new theater openings to the reopening of the NMAH, from yard work to group fun, you guys really made the most of this past weekend. Sooooo many good photos, I couldn’t stop!

Keep up the great work capturing life in our area. With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I know I’ll find some great stuff from everyone for next week.

And watch this space next Monday: we’re going to have a photo contest, and you’re all invited!

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Essential DC, Featured Photo, Life in the Capital

Featured Photo

Fixation Opening Party by vincent gallegos

It would be an extreme understatement if I said that it was ‘a night to remember’.  Friday night’s opening party for Fixation at Fight Club was one hell of a way to get FotoWeek DC started.  This show tied together art, people, and the city like no other.

It’s impossible to explain how comfortable and chill the party was, all the while electric and full of energy.  You couldn’t escape the eclecticism.  The crowd ranged from wealthy, “in the know”, socialite art collectors to artists and die hard skaters.  The music switched from electronica to rock and roll, then drifted back to club music to keep the party rolling.  Our beverages began as champagne and later morphed into beer, while our food went from gourmet pizza to food off of a snack cart.  If you commissioned a painting to represent the night, it would contain elegant brush strokes smeared with spray paint, colors from across the spectrum.

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Essential DC, Life in the Capital, Night Life, Special Events, The District

Friday Night’s Fixation @ Fight Club

This is it, folks.  FotoWeek DC is kicking off in style!  With so many events to choose from over the course of the week, I highly recommend you start things off by paying a visit to the underbelly of DC, aka “Fight Club”.  Brought to you by Ten Miles Square and The Pink Line Project, Fixation is sure to be a photography show (and night) to remember.

If you’ve never heard of Fight Club before, you’re definitely not alone.  If you have heard of Fight Club, you’re incredibly hip to the underground scene and are probably annoyed that a bunch of fancy artists are invading your space.  This exclusive skate park is home to DC’s local skater scene and is sure to be a place you’ll tell your grandkids about.

But enough about the venue, this show is about photography!  Nine amazing local DC photographers will be featuring their work (all of it for sale) Friday night, some familiar names you are sure to recognize.

“These nine photographers each create a narrative with a short series of images, building the viewer a bridge between the image of our Nation’s Capital and the people actually living inside it. Their photographs inspect our city’s subculture and the people who thrive in it, whether it is the pure ecstasy of a public baptism or the discovery of an elusive quiet moment as 18th Street rages nearby. Some create their own scenes, driven by the absurdity or crucial absences in our cityscapes. Others sneak in the backdoor of highly defined alternative lifestyles, finding characters dolled up for primetime, squeezed in the underbelly of the D.C. club scene. What they all have in common is a fixation on the individual in the hands of a much bigger picture.”

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Life in the Capital

Help! DC Dog Whisperers Needed

Caged, the taxi dog is all depression and disappointment

Caged, the Taxi Dog is all depression and disappointment

In May we adopted Taxi from the Washington Animal Rescue League, where she’d languished for three months after her previous owner returned her (1). As soon as we adopted her, we got her service animal registration done as we never wanted to leave her alone at home when we went out.

Usually she is a very happy dog. She loves to run at the now-closed Clark School and she even loves Dog Beach, but she hates to be alone. When we leave the house for important nearby chores she goes into fits of separation anxiety that are heart-wrenching. Just watch her freak out when I left for a mid-day meeting:

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Adventures, Life in the Capital, Weekend Flashback

Weekend Flashback: 11/7 – 11/9

Photo courtesy of jaime_montemayor
together, courtesy of jaime_montemayor

You guys certainly took advantage of this fabulous past weekend! I had a hard time deciding on the multitude of photos people took across our area; many were monument-centered, as the sky and lighting was near-perfect for photography.

After the jump, a cross-cut of what area folks enjoyed during this glorious weather weekend. Sadly, it’s not sticking around, as we’ve got colder temps coming. Hey, at least it’s not snowing

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Life in the Capital, Special Events

Looking Sideways @ Big Bear Cafe

With Her Head in the Clouds by Cesar Lujan

If you love black & white photography as much as I do, you won’t want to miss the opening of Looking Sideways at Big Bear Cafe.  This exhibit features the beautiful work of Cesar Lujan, a local DC photographer who has an eye for minimalism, unique camera angles and use of space.  When it comes to his photos, the phrase “less is more” definitely comes into play.

Presented by Ten Miles Square, this exhibit gets a jump start on FotoWeek, which for some of us won’t come soon enough.  Here’s more on the exhibit:

“Cesar Lujan takes images that present a bit of a role reversal. Rather than landscapes and settings merely providing context for people and their actions, Lujan sees the idle presence of people creating the context for what becomes the real main characters here: impressive architecture and unusual urban scenes.”

The opening is this Saturday, November 8th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.  Big Bear Cafe is located on the corner of 1st & R Street NW in Bloomingdale and looks to be a promising supporter of the local art scene.

Hope to see you there!

Adventures, Fun & Games, Life in the Capital, Weekend Flashback

Weekend Flashback: 10/31 – 11/2

Photo courtesy of marslog
Blick vom Marriott, courtesy of marslog

I’ve had a few readers comment to me on the fly last week that they loved the “Flashback” I posted this past Monday. So I think we’ll make this a regular thing, mmkay?

You guys certainly lived it up this past weekend; beautiful weather on Saturday made it hard to choose what photos to pick. And I’m continually amazed at what you guys love to do on a fall weekend – maybe we should have the end of DST more often, yes?

After the jump, a smattering of snapshots on your DC metro weekend, all courtesy of Flickr.

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