All Politics is Local, Downtown, Foggy Bottom, Life in the Capital, Night Life, The Daily Feed, The Hill, WTF?!

D.C.’s Big Beer Ban

Participation Lager… Originally uploaded by dharmabumx

Well folks, it seems, much like the application of parking rates, D.C.’s leadership have painted with a large brush in order to solve a detailed problem. On February 9th, the D.C. Council enacted, at the behest of of several ANC members, a ban on the sale of single bottles of beer in several wards in D.C.. The Washington City Paper has an excellent write up on the issue. The local beer aficionado and brewers list (which includes many of the brewers for local brew pubs in the area, local breweries and others), DC-Beer, has lit up discussing the issue. 

In short, to paraphrase the City Paper, too many people in certain areas of the city have been pissing in the wrong people’s yards after a night of drinking and revelry. So far Ward 2 (Georgetown) and 6 (Capitol Hill) are directly affected (can anybody say “staffers”) but has the unintended affect on those who drink beer for taste rather than rote consumption. A number of specialty stores (or those who actually stock something other than the corn-fed varieties, such as Budweiser) are left shipping their stock to the basement to avoid penalties while trying to get responses back from unresponsive commissioners and councilmen. I ask, dear readers, have you been affected by this issue, or have an opinion?

Adventures, All Politics is Local, Downtown, Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

D.C. Parking Injustice – If It’s Broke… Don’t Fix It

hello parking meter!
Originally uploaded by Nahh

The brew-ha-ha from last weeks parking meter hike around the city, and how it affected various commuters, visitors and others has taken an odd turn after some research and interviewing. In the apparent rush to receive those funds from the increased rate, it seems the D.C. DPW (whose responsibility it is to maintain them) were sloppily quick… either not being uniform in their application, or just wanting to make it interesting for those who choose to park downtown.

The meters originally under contention last week, actually play 3 different rates to parkers. One, the old rate ($1.50 for 8+ hours), two the projected 50% bump ($1.50 to $2.00 for 8 hours), or the crazy $0.25 for seven (7) minutes. I ask you, dear readership, and those who are regular street parking folks, have you come across similar issues? With the meters under three (yes three) different agencies to maintain, enforce and adjudicate, who’s going to be at the other end of that e-mail or phone call to hear you complain about the issue. Several of my parking buddies on two wheels have either moved to new locations (not yet changed), found a garage that will accept them, or stopped coming in via their former mode of transportation. One gentleman is still awaiting an e-mail back from Mayor Fenty’s officeI doubt this makes good policy, let alone much sense to the community.

Essential DC, Life in the Capital, Special Events, The District, The Features

DCist Exposed Opens Friday

Photo courtesy of HeatherMG
DCist Exposed 2009!, courtesy of HeatherMG

It’s that time of year again, photography lovers.  The third annual DCist Exposed Photography Show opens this Friday at the Gallery at Flashpoint.  The juried show “showcases new talent as the artists reveal the city through the eyes of the people who live and work in the DC area.”  If you haven’t been to it in past years, it’s a great chance to view some amazing photographs taken by our superb group of local photographers, many of whom submit their incredible work to our very own WLDC poolContinue reading

All Politics is Local, Business and Money, Crime & Punishment, Downtown, Essential DC, Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed, The Great Outdoors, WTF?!

D.C. Parking Injustice – Tow Me… Blow Me…

Law enforcement scofflaws
Originally uploaded by philliefan99

Did you hear me Mr. Fenty and Ms. Babers? D.C.’s quest to now emulate Chicago with the new administration has reached new lows. As the Democrats and Obama administration have been touting friendliness to green technologies, smart transportation alternatives, and conservation, the city they now hold a majority in,  took a TWELVEFOLD step backwards. I had created the D.C. Motorcycle parking map of the Metro region to help those folks on two wheels track down ever vanishing spots (one set is in center court in the Verizon Center… how convenient), and since most garages do not allow motorcycles in, it’s necessary. Over this past weekend, the D.C. Parking Authority (aka, the D.C. DMV) cranked up the rates without warning for the motorcycle spots to be commensurate with the rates for cars (or even more so), from 12 hour meters which were 25 cents for an hour and 24 minutes, to now 7 minutes per quarter… a loss of 77 minutes 92% of your parking value… WTF?! It shocked most folks parking on the G Street meters (which until the beginning of last year were free) on the west side of the Old Executive Office Building so much, that today, EVERY bike has decided not to pay. Seriously D.C., are you trying to discourage smart commuting?

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All Politics is Local, Entertainment, Life in the Capital, The Features

Library of Congress: With Malice Toward None

Lincoln's Journey to Washington - Interactive Map

Thursday is the 200th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth. It will be marked with all manner of fanfare, throughout the country, with celebrations and re-dedications galore. The Library of Congress is celebrating the bicentennial with a special touring exhibit that opens Thursday evening.

With Malice Toward None is an incredible portrait of Abraham Lincoln in his own handwriting. Beginning with an arithmetic primer, and ending with letters after the end of the war, it’s a trip through famous artifacts of Lincoln’s import for the United States.

I couldn’t help but feel a little “Great Man Theory” soaking through the exhibit at times, making Lincoln out to be a man who was eight feet tall. Though, this was delicately counterbalanced by the group of curators giving the tour, speaking of Lincoln’s personal difficulties and family troubles during his tenure at the helm of our nation. One such note made it fairly clear that Lincoln wasn’t having a good time leading a nation amidst its worst conflict. Continue reading

Life in the Capital, Technology, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

Some Days Call For Quality Profanity

Photo courtesy of
‘brown is the new clever’
courtesy of ‘solidstate.’

Some days just call for quality profanity.

You know, the kind that peels paint from walls, or causes old ladies to blush and then hit you with their handbags. Or maybe the kind that caused your mom to get out the extra large bar of soap to wash out your mouth. But some days, well, some days require elegant profanity. The kind from a previous era.

Or, from, say, the mouth of Barack Obama (warning, NSFW language in audio and text).

That’s the kind of day I’m having.

Arlington, Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed

The Big (Apartment) Hunt

Photo courtesy of
‘Misc DC – Presidential Flyover – 9-1-08’
courtesy of ‘mosley.brian’

So we’re looking at making THE BIG MOVE, and I need some advice from all you Realtors and leasing agents out there.

My lovely roommate and I are going to be striking out to find a new apartment along the Wilson/Clarendon (metro accessible) stretch and are wondering – how are the prices out there? We had a HORRENDOUS time snagging our current apartment during the summer a few years ago, but are hoping with the economic downturn, and the dead of winter, things might actually play out in our favor.

I’ve noticed so many more advertising yard signs (Parc Rosslyn and Vista, I’m looking at you!) and random people on the street corner doing tricks with big arrow signs than I did last year – so I ask…is it a renter’s market out there? Can we bargain? What is your advice (or experience, if you recently made a move) for apartment shopping during these winter months in a crap economy?

All Politics is Local, Downtown, Life in the Capital, Technology, The Daily Feed

DC Loses CIO to Obama Administration

Photo courtesy of

courtesy of ‘ckramer’

Hearty Congratulations to DC CIO Vivek Kundra, who is the latest victim of Obama Abduction. Well. I suppose it’s not exactly Abduction if they ask and you consent, right? Okay. We need a new word for that. Anyhow. Mr. Kundra is headed to the OMB as administrator of e-government and information technology. Not quite the cabinet-level CIO position that he was suspected to be considered for, but not exactly entry-level work.

Kundra will see Government-wide IT budgets of something on the order of $70,000,000,000. First task? Maybe some Macs for the Obama staff at the White House? I hear they’re jonesin’ hard.

Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed

A Perfect Opportunity

Photo courtesy of
‘Taxation Without Representation’
courtesy of ‘Travlr’

Tom Daschle’s out at DHHS. Nancy Killefer is out at OMB. Tim Geithner is, apparently, too big to fail at Treasury. All three of them had major problems in their dealings with the IRS. In the first two weeks of President Obama’s tenure in the White House, he seems to have found a bunch of talented people who just can’t pay their taxes.

Now’s the time for DC to rise up and say, “Hey look, we pay our taxes, and we can’t get decent representation, what the hell is going on here?!”

It’d be nice if someone did, anyway.

All Politics is Local, Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

Barry Angling for Obama Appointment?

Picture 2.png
Marion Barry by cliff1106

The Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto seems to think that Marion Barry’s latest tax woes are really part of a plot to get him into the Obama Administration. Taranto notes that the top slot at the ONDCP is currently open, and might be a good fit for Barry, but I think he’d probably do just as well as maybe the FDA, or perhaps somewhere at Health & Human Services?

Alexandria, Arlington, Fun & Games, Life in the Capital, Tourism

Tourism: Ice Skating

Photo courtesy of
‘Skating Together’
courtesy of ‘Karon’

There are few outdoor activities I enjoy when the weather gets this cold. Skiing and ice skating are about the only two that I daydream fondly about. So just in case this week’s iceageddon didn’t take you down, and you’re itching for more (or you want to tackle the ice with proper equipment), you’re in luck.  DC is home to tons of great indoor and outdoor ice skating rinks for you to take a spin (or a fall) on.  Continue reading

Life in the Capital, The Features, The Great Outdoors, Weekend Flashback

Photo Flashback: Snow Edition

Photo courtesy of
‘Berries in snow…’
courtesy of ‘Roger Photos’

The WLDC Flickr pool has been abuzz with pictures of the snow. I listed snow-covered DC as one of the things I am most thankful for, and so it was my pleasure to comb through the great photos our flickratzi have submitted over the past 24 hours, and pulled some to post. So click on through to take a tour of our gorgeous city in the snow. Continue reading

Essential DC, Life in the Capital, Talkin' Transit, The Features

Talkin’ Transit: Rules of the Road

Photo courtesy of
‘follow your path’ courtesy of ‘philliefan99’

There’s lots of news everywhere regarding Metro and Inaugupocalypse, so I don’t see a need to rehash all that here. Instead, I’ve been intrigued with a lot of referencing lately to cycling in the District, especially as an alternate form of travel. I was thinking it might be a good idea to run down some of the rules and guidelines for biking in the District, for both cyclists and drivers to remember.

The “golden rule” to keep in mind? Cyclists traveling on roadways have all the general rights and duties of drivers of vehicles. This is true for the entire region, not just the District. Continue reading

Inaugupocalypse, Life in the Capital, Media, News, Technology, The Daily Feed, The Hill

Senators Byrd, Kennedy Taken to Hospital

Photo courtesy of
courtesy of ‘Daquella manera’

CNN is reporting that Senators Robert Byrd (D-WV) and Teddy Kennedy (D-MA) were both taken from the Luncheon at the Capitol (see, Kaspar, got that one right.) after suffering medical emergencies. CNN suggests that Senator Kennedy was having a seizure, and that it was unclear the extent of the medical difficulties that Sen. Byrd was experiencing.

Downtown, Inaugupocalypse, Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed, The Mall

Smiles Abound Pre-Concert

3006941468_fae9b7a75d_mAt mid day, I ventured downtown near the White House, and was surprised to experience a pleasant drive despite the 2pm We Are One concert.  The streets were well manned with DC police officers and additional crowd support units.  Even navigating Farragut Square, aka “The Vortex of Doom” was easy and delayless.

Another pleasantry was the overall vibe coming from everyone, working or attending the concert.  Everyone was smiling, laughing and almost dare I say it skipping.  They were of course bundled up, but I have no doubt that the cold was the last thing on their minds.

Fun & Games, Life in the Capital, Media, News, The Daily Feed, WTF?!

Want a geeky Obama keepsake, in D.C. you’re SOL.

Spiderman Obama issue from Marvel

Spiderman Obama issue from Marvel

It was announced last week, and for industry insiders, it may have been a bit longer, that Marvel Comics, purveyors of The Hulk, Fantastic Four, and “Geek-in-Chief” Barack Obama’s favorite, Spiderman were issuing a special edition of the latter for the inauguration. This 5-page story was to center around an impostor taking the oath of office this coming Tuesday and Peter Parker, while covering it for the Daily Bugle, helped Spiderman save the day and democracy as a whole. However, unless you’re a subscriber at a local comic book store, you may be out of luck to catch a first printing in D.C.. Fantom Comics in Union Station and Tenleytown were somewhat caught unawares and only had acquired 9 copies total to split between the two stores. However, there is a second printing, albeit with a different cover, coming this Wednesday the 21st.

Downtown, Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed

Traffic Grows Worse

Photo courtesy of
‘Typical Beltway traffic’
courtesy of ‘brianmka’

I will preface this by saying: it’s possible I’m imagining this. But, in the last two days, I’ve sat in more interminable traffic than I do in the worst moments I’ve lived in DC. Yesterday’s trek into the city, even though I was just coming from inner Arlington, was some of the worst I’ve had ever. Poor Tiff was caught up in the foofaraw around the water main break yesterday, as her office is at 15th and L.

Is it Inauguration making the day-to-day grind of moving around all the worse? Or is it merely a seasonal increase after the largely-easy traffic of the Winter Holidays? Either way, I can’t wait for Thursday next week, after everyone’s gone again.

Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed, WMATA

Grand Welcome-Home Moment from a DC Metro Rider!


Four days ago, on a crowded Tokyo Metro train:
<mild jostling>
Me: Sumimasen.
Jostler: Gomen nasai.
<We then trade shallow bows.>

This morning, while exiting a crowded Red Line train delayed by mechanical difficulties at Judiciary Square:
<jostler attempts to overtake between me and my wife>
Me: Excuse me, can I stay with my wife, please?
Jostler: You can’t always get what you want.
<Jostler then attempts to keep pushing way in, fails, then tries to walk-race me and my wife through the crowd to the Metro Center escalators.>

It’s good to be home!

Life in the Capital, The Daily Feed

Oh Dog Park, Where Art Thou?

photo courtesy of Max

I moved to Dupont Circle in late 2003 which seems like an eternity ago.  Not much has changed in the neighborhood since then.  Some new restaurants have opened up on 17th street, property prices went way up and then slid back down again, and the “S street dog park” has turned into a barren, dusty, dirt bowl.

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