We Love Weekends: July 2 – 4

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courtesy of ‘cruffo’

It’s that time again – for us to rub it in your faces what exciting lives we all live and give you the opportunity to live vicariously through us or try to grab ahold of that desperate desire to BE us & steal our weekend plans. This week with extra violence!

Tom: We’re headed out west for a couple weeks to celebrate my sister’s wedding in the bay area, but were I here, I’d be stocking up and getting ready for the Fourth!  I’d be using DCRA’s fireworks map to find some smash-boom-bang for early on in the evening, and then I’d likely be heading to Cardozo High to watch the fireworks. While it’s great to watch on the Mall, I far prefer some of the alternate vistas this city has to offer, especially from its rooftops. The Key Bridge is also a great spot to watch.  Happy Independence Day, everyone!

Marissa: Long weekend and celebrating the birth of our nation! Saturday I might just be crazy enough to try to get a table at the newly opened Graffiato since the restaurant scene has been all abuzz about it. Sunday I’ll be going all-American and spending the afternoon at the Nationals Game (hint: there’s a double-header on Saturday if you’re interested, and a home game on the 4th as well). As for the 4th of July, I might buck up, pack a picnic and head to the Mall since I’m pretty sure they don’t let GW alums onto the University’s rooftops all willy-nilly to watch fireworks. Plus the Capitol Fourth Concert sounds good. Happy fourth of July!

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‘Folk Life Festival 10 – Cups and Petals – 07-05-10’
courtesy of ‘mosley.brian’

Mosley: Quite the weekend for me!  Two of my favorite things are this weekend: Smithsonian Folklife Festival and the 4th of July Fireworks on the Mall.  I’m planning on spending most of Saturday down at the Folklife Festival, taking in culture from Columbia and digging the Rhythm and Blues.  Pictures will be forth coming (check out the past few years).  Then Saturday night, planning on seeing Tron at AFI in Silver Spring; this will be one of many of my favorite 80s movies they are showing throughout the summer.  Sunday I’m planning on kayaking on the Eastern Branch (AKA: the Anacostia).  The Anacostia is awesome to kayak on; few people, a ton of wildlife, and sights not often seen.  I launch out of Bladensburg and can get as far south as RFK and Kingman Island.  I’ll finish up the long weekend with a BBQ on the 4th, and heading over to the Mount Vernon trail to shoot pictures of the fireworks (see past years here).  I love being down around the crowd for the fireworks; it’s always so much fun!

Photo courtesy of
‘DC Fringe Festival Button, 2010, And Lucky Charms’
courtesy of ‘[F]oxymoron’

Fedward: despite all Don’s complaints about the button (now $7 you’ll never see again) and this year’s SEVENTEEN DOLLAR TICKETS (I thought $15 wasn’t very fringey), Friday night I’ll be at the Capital Fringe Festival preview and generally hanging out at the tent (or as it is known to certain parties, TENT™). Saturday the Social Chair heads to New York for the remainder of the weekend to work on the final Cherry Red show (and this time they mean it) The Aristocrats. Without her I’ll be a man about town. I might try to catch the Nationals’ double-header against the Pirates on Saturday. Sunday I’ll practice alternating speed walking and speed eating in order to prep for next weekend’s Fancy Food Show (anybody have any idea how many reps I should do?). And on Monday I’ll stake out a spot on my apartment building’s awesome rooftop for fireworks (Petworth, Park View, and Columbia Heights LOVE their fireworks).

Photo courtesy of
‘PXC 24: Joshua Alvarez versus Rogelio Plomeda’
courtesy of ‘poi beltran’

Don: Tops on my list for the weekend is beating Fedward roundly about the head and shoulders for resuscitating my old button grumping, particularly given that he was present when Fringe big kahuna Julianne and I recently had a very nice conversation about it. Despite the fact that it started with her saying “We Love DC? There’s someone there that really hates the button, isn’t there?” *sigh* She was exceptionally gracious in our subsequent talk, and while I still feel strongly about my position it’s clear she feels just as strongly about hers and that the button is a net positive. Hopefully the blood will wash off Fedward’s after I exact my revenge at the Fringe preview Friday night.

Photo courtesy of
‘Anacostia Fish Market #39 (Raw Bar)’
courtesy of ‘andertho’

Paulo: Oysters. OYSTERS. Lately I have been seized by a craving for them, but have had neither time nor energy after work to try out one of the many raw bars within walking distance from my office. While I am not new to oysters, I am uninitiated into the context of actually sitting at a raw bar alone and asking for them. Sometime over the long weekend I intend to man up, strut into one of these places, ask for a half dozen Malpeques, and commence suckage. And maybe go down to Thompson Boat House and rent a kayak.

Well I used to say something in my profile about not quite being a “tinker, tailor, soldier, or spy” but Tom stole that for our about us page, so I guess I’ll have to find another way to express that I am a man of many interests.

Hmm, guess I just did.

My tastes run the gamut from sophomoric to Shakespeare and in my “professional” life I’ve sold things, served beer, written software, and carried heavy objects… sometimes at the same place. It’s that range of loves and activities that makes it so easy for me to love DC – we’ve got it all.


2 thoughts on “We Love Weekends: July 2 – 4

  1. I’m glad this omission has been corrected. If I had to choose sides in that fight, I don’t think fedward would have appreciated my choice.