Transformers 3 Star Does Not Approve of Photog Interrupting Reading Time

Ah, to be young and in Michael Bay movies. Sometimes you just want to take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee, like Shia LeBeouf did earlier this week, and curl up with a nice copy of Bad Boy: The Life and Politics of Lee Atwater. For once, you would just be able to be a regular guy, reading a regular book on Republican political history.

Apparently, Mr. LeBeouf didn’t like being disturbed during “Shia Time,” which is probably a normal occurrence since he’s famous and in movies with Megan Fox. While reading outside, a photographer tried to snap photos of the actor, but Shia didn’t want anyone of it. As Patrick Gavin passed along, here’s the video of a bitter LeBeouf chasing down a photographer and “sharing” his coffee with him:

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h/t FamousDC

Dave Levy is a PR guy by day, a media researcher on the side and a self-proclaimed geek. He blogs often about how traditional media adapts – or tries to adapt – to the growing digital media world at State of the Fourth Estate. You can follow Dave on Twitter for various updates about everything from sports from his previous home in Boston to eccentric and obscure pop culture references. Read why Dave loves D.C.

6 thoughts on “Transformers 3 Star Does Not Approve of Photog Interrupting Reading Time

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Transformers 3 Star Does Not Approve of Photog Interrupting Reading Time » We Love DC --

  2. shia should not sit outside in nearly the middle of the street if he does not want his picture taken

  3. I just love how Mr. LeBeouf continues to run down the street – very fast in those sneakers, Shia. Very fast.

  4. @ ilove-

    Yes, God forbid stars should ever try to do something as crazy as sit outdoors!

    It’s not like anyone has any polite or decent behavior to treat them like human’s, and not a sideshow, and leave them alone.