Dana Ellyn at Long View Gallery Tonight

I just got another notice fo a show from Dana Ellyn‘s fan list. She is a rather incredible artist whose vision and work is political, social and always meaningful. Her style is interesting in that the details are all meaningful. Nothing is there as decoration or as a purely aesthetic element. The subjects of Ellyn’s paintings are cutting and painful at times, often with a humorous touch, and are always moving. She doesn’t make “pretty” paintings but they are all beautiful in how they convey theirs messages.

Go check her out this evening.

From the email:

THIS Friday, November 30th
Opening reception at
Long View Gallery

Holiday cocktails and a lot of unique art. Sounds like a perfect night to me. Long View Gallery has included several of my smaller affordable paintings in their winter show. I’ll be there in the early part of the evening and I’m looking forward to sharing a toast or two with friends both old and new.

“Didn’t Mean to Stalk You”
Acrylic on canvas

Long View Gallery is at 1302 9th street, NW (at 9th & N) in Washington. their phone number is (202) 232-4788.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

Carl Weaver is a writer and brewer for RealHomebrew.com and has been making beer and wine for more than 20 years. He is also an avid photographer and writer and just finished his first book, about a trip he took to Thailand to live in Buddhist monasteries. He considers himself the last of the Renaissance men and the luckiest darned guy in the world. Follow him on Twitter.

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