‘Andean Bear Cub in Tree’
courtesy of ‘macmoov’
Your votes have been tallied and the results are in — the two Andean bear cubs currently calling the National Zoo home are nameless no longer!
Almost 5,000 exercised their right to vote in this fun and festive zoo campaign. Here are the results:
Chaska for the female
Bernardo for the male
Chaska, a Quechua word meaning “dawn star” and Bernardo, a Spanish word meaning “brave like a bear” were chosen by all of you.
Now, the only thing left to do is go visit with DC’s newly named cutey-patootey’s Chaska and Bernardo. I’m sure they are looking forward to meeting you! You can visit with the cubs when they make their public debut this Saturday with their mama Billie Jean and poppa Nikki.