George Michael Remembrances

Photo courtesy of
‘George Michael’
courtesy of ‘The SABR Office’

You can’t swing a cat on the DC-focused internet today without hitting mention of George Michael’s passing. It’s unsurprising – you don’t host a recurring news feature for just shy of thirty years without making an impression. I’m sure WaPo will have a good obit up eventually, but for the moment I think the most interesting insight into his life is the community-posted remembrances on the WaPo website. Some more interesting insight into Michael can be had here – a story about his dj career at WABC in the late 70s, complete with some recordings of the man in action.

Rest in Peace, George.

Well I used to say something in my profile about not quite being a “tinker, tailor, soldier, or spy” but Tom stole that for our about us page, so I guess I’ll have to find another way to express that I am a man of many interests.

Hmm, guess I just did.

My tastes run the gamut from sophomoric to Shakespeare and in my “professional” life I’ve sold things, served beer, written software, and carried heavy objects… sometimes at the same place. It’s that range of loves and activities that makes it so easy for me to love DC – we’ve got it all.


3 thoughts on “George Michael Remembrances

  1. I wasn’t a big fan of his show on NBC4, but came to appreciate his knowledge and talents. At SABR’s regional get together in Rosslyn in Jan 2008, he gave a presentation on baseball photos and trying to identify particular ones. Very impressive.

    This summer, at SABR’s National Convention at the Marriott, he sat between Frank Howard and Rick Dempsey, and interviewed them. George had the confidence you like to see in such situations, and wasn’t afraid to look the person in the eye and say, and don’t lie to me.

    The photo you are showing looks like it is from that interview at the convention. He seemed in good health and spirit.

    RIP George.

  2. When I was a kid, in far-away Sacramento, Sunday night late meant George Michael’s Sports Machine. I have very fond memories growing up watching George talk about pretty much every sport in the world, and it was amazing. When I moved here, I was immediately at home watching George on NBC 4. I will miss him very much, as he’s one of my mental “voices of Sports”.

    Godspeed, George.