In the heart of Shaw, across from a Church, two guys decided they wanted to open a bar. Apparently, the Church took umbrage to the fact that not only did they serve the demon liquor, the owners are also participating in an alternative lifestyle, but the best moment out of all of us this comes to us from the Washington Post who highlight:
“A bar ? Across from my church?” asked Barbara Campbell, who lives on Georgia Avenue NW and for three decades has gone to Scripture Cathedral in Shaw, where she works as a cook in the church’s day-care center. “Don’t they understand that there is a day-care center in the church?”
All of a sudden I have an image in my head, a toddler with a sippy-cup full of rum.
Aren’t the hours of a bar and a day-care center just about antipodal? But that’s a whole other situation, especially when you consider the City Vs. The Churches fight that’s heading through the city like wildfire. Churches in the District are frequently exempted from parking regulations, much to the ire of the residents of the neighborhoods, and find their cars parked in by Maryland and Virginia plates. Worse still, the Mayor has granted a nearly blanket exemption for them, despite the laws on the books being clearly enforceable and enforcement being called for by the residents.
Is there a Church and State Marriage here in DC that’s restricting development and preventing the enforcement of regulations? I think that’s going a bit far, but I have a feeling the owners of Be Bar, or anyone who lives near a DC church on Sunday might disagree.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs