‘Vrouwelijke bokskampioen / Female boxing champion’
courtesy of ‘Nationaal Archief’
Did they have that nonsense up here? The local rock station used to host that event when I was growing up in Miami and I was happy not to have thought of it till now. Unfortunately this event seems to have dredged up all kinds of nonsense from my brain. Like “she’s not much of a wrestler, but you should see her box.” My apologies – I’ve been killing these brain cells with alcohol so long they aren’t very reliable.
My dain bramage aside, this is not a subject that I find humorous: Women boxing. Publicist Cha Ross-Estes dropped a press release on us about the All Female Amateur Boxing series that kicks off this Saturday at Rosecroft Raceway in Maryland. Fight Lady wants to bring exposure to a sport they hope will be added to the Olympics, preferably in 2012. They’ve got a point: it’s the one category without a female analog in the competition.
If you’ve never female boxing, let me assure you: it’s no faux-lesbianism titillation. Female boxing is every bit the same sport as “regular” boxing. If it lacks the same intensity – which I’m not sure you can really claim – it’s only because the pool of competitors is smaller.
If you enjoy light to middleweight boxing matches with men and can put aside your preconceptions you should give it a try, you can start by checking this boxing clothing line. I was dragged to a match some years ago and was quite surprised by what I saw.