Leonardo da Vinci may not have mastered manned flight the way the Wright Brothers did, but his initial sketches of ornithopters from the late 15th century were structurally sound, if not necessarily possible in his day. Fortunately, we have the National Red Bull Flugtag to help us determine if man can fly using nothing but creativity and basic materials. This weekend at the Southpoint Waterfront at National Harbor just south of the city, teams will attempt to defy gravity as they leap off the tower built over the Potomac.
Teams competing this weekend include West Virginia’s Yaeger Bombers, who appear to be building a model of the famous Bell X-1 for the event, Parliament Flug-a-delic from DC, who carry an endorsement from Bootsy Collins, and the definitely awesome Club Echa Panza, defined by their sigil, “Slim”, the debauched and disowned uncle of D.C. United’s mascot Talon. This is going to be a riotously funny event, worth your time, amid a weekend packed with other events.
This is definitely an awesome, crazy event, and we’ve got four tickets to give away – in two pairs – for our awesome readers. Just add a comment below with a valid email address and we’ll pick a winner Thursday at 5p and get in touch.
I’ve always wanted to see this! Please pick me!
SWEET! Thanks guys!
This looks awesome!!
This would be amazing. I’ve always meant to go.
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
Fun place to be, Give me wings!
I’ve always wanted to go to one of these things
This is amazing that you are giving out tickets. I’d love to win them!!
Flug, Flüge, Fluege, Charterfluege, Billigfluege, Airlines, Flugrouten, Flughafen, Flugtransfer,
Ein Flug nach Muenchen, nach Hamburg, nach Istanbul???
-Wohin Sie auch fliegen wollen,
bei uns finden Sie Ihren Flug.
– Mit nur einem Klick haben Sie alle Fluege im Blick –