courtesy of Samer Farha
First hot weekend of the summer. Let’s hope it’s a one and done; but common senses says it’s the first such weekend of many. But beyond the weather, quite the weekend for DC. The Capital Pride Parade sounded like quiet the sight, as it is every year. And the Nationals swept the Red Soxes; my family up in Massachusetts won’t hear the end of this series from me for some time. Sounds like a great weekend to me. Let’s check out some of the sights in the photos below.
Seersucker Social 2012
courtesy of pablo.raw
Capital Pride Parade
courtesy of vpickering
Clarendon Cup 17
courtesy of afagen
courtesy of logan.brown
stationary zombie
courtesy of philliefan99
courtesy of Tony DeFilippo
Toki Underground
courtesy of KatieFielding
courtesy of TheRobbStory