Featured Photo

David Wax Museum- 930 Club- 9/14/11
David Wax Museum- 930 Club by sightlyworn
As a guy who has photographed many musicians, I know the challenge in capturing the intensity and energy of a live show. Slightlyworn nailed it with this photo. The motion blur is what really makes this photo, because you can just see the guitarist moving and howling into the mic, pouring his heart into every verse. It’s a strong composition; he didn’t focus too closely on the musician, which left plenty of room for the purple and blue divide caused by the stage lights, which is one of the most important features of the photo. Adding a second singer to the frame and including part of the drum kit definitely frames the context of a musical machine working together. Well done, sightlyworn.

Remember to contribute your best shots of DC to our flickr pool. You may just get noticed for our featured photo or weekend flashback.

Michael R

One thought on “Featured Photo

  1. This picture reminds me of the one LIVE concert of Bon Jovi that i had seen in 2003, I was fortunate to stand very close on the ramp and wow what energy Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, David Bryan, Alec John Such and Tico Torres had! I really liked this picture!