Double your money! Admittedly it only doubles after you part with it, but what the hell – you want to be a better person, don’t you? (I’ve met some of you – if you don’t, you should. For serious.)
Well you have a few hours left to do more good with less – DC Central Kitchen has a generous donor – the Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation – committed to matching every donation through the rest of the day, up to around another $8,000 as of the time I’m typing this.
So if you just drop $10 on them over here it’ll mean $20 in their coffers. Good for your soul (did I mention it needed it? Really. C’mon), good for them, good for our community. If you believe the American Enterprise Institute, good for the economy – they claim a $1 donation has an eventual $15 benefit for GDP. You want to help the economy, don’t you?
Edit: I twitter-harassed DCCK because I wasn’t clear from the header – they’re trying to hit $25,000 in donations for the day but the matching grant exceeds that target. So, if enough of you have dropped some cash to push them over the target by the time you read this you can still donate some more and get that extra oomph.