courtesy of ‘Chris Rief aka Spodie Odie’
With four council members speaking out against the Soda Tax yesterday, it appears the bill is all but done for in the general hearings, but chairman Vincent Gray has asked for council staff to look into other methods for raising the $6M necessary to fund the health food program for DC Schools, which may include extending the 6% sales tax to soda purchases of all flavors, not just the sugary kind.
Extending the sales tax seems like a good idea. Soda isn’t a grocery item. It’s discretionary. Targeting it for a special tax is one thing…making people pay sales tax on it is another.
I had no issue with this tax. It is better to tax things that people have a choice in buying then taxing the public in general on their income
I drink Soda all the time and if it costs more, I wil pay it