courtesy of ‘”G” jewels g is for grandma’
I had no idea this spinoff/replacement for “Cribs” existed. Then again, I always thought the term crib kinda sucked, for reasons that “Teen Cribs” makes even more clear: you really want your home to be associated with the place that a baby sleeps? What’s the message here, that you can’t get feed yourself and crap in your pants? Kinda lame when you’re an adult, but a teen who still can’t regulate your own bowels? Maybe look into home schooling and don’t televise this issue…
ANYWAY. Via VoxPopuli, I came across this link on the Georgetown Metropolitan about an episode of MTV Teen Cribs that looked inside a house in Georgetown. The episode is online and the ‘crib’ in question starts at about 14:30 – just click the third “tick mark” on the slider bar, though you might want to check out the second clip – it’s just over the river in Potomac Falls and includes a guest appearance from not-a-Redskin-anymore Jason Campbell.
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