‘Sailor formation’
courtesy of ‘afagen’
It’s hard to tell whether it’s been the sincere backlash from District Councilmembers regarding the voting rights bill, or if it’s Congressional apathy, but Roll Call is reporting that Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said this morning there will be no House voting rights bill. It seems a shame to have this happen on the morning after DC Civil Rights leader Dorothy Height’s death, especially when she worked so hard for equal rights for all citizens.
Rep Hoyer was frustrated by the gun amendment, suggesting that the bill would have passed unencumbered, but not with the restriction on what DC could enact in terms of gun control regulations. It would, I imagine, also frustrate those armed protestors on the banks of Potomac who so long to bring their long guns and pistols into the District legally.
Any way you look at it, it’s a frustrating day.
You summed it up well–frustrating!