I’ll admit it – if I loved you as much as I should I would have written about this before snatching up the one currently available pictured item. But when I saw twitter user WStephenAnfield mention owning one of these and found it on Etsy I couldn’t resist.
On the upside, Etsy seller GingerCardCo has obviously made these before and presumably will again. You can send them a note and say you want one – it’s been my experience that Etsy sellers often have more stock they haven’t listed yet. XOHandworks also has a number of map pendants, several of which have DC on them. I prefer the marginally more “macho” dog tag, but perhaps the pendant is up your alley.
Disappointingly both of these vendors are non-local. Any of you readers local artists creating DC-centric items? The t-shirts WLDC has adopted as our unofficial uniform are made by Lara of 237inc who’s a local, by the way, and they’re still available and awesome.