‘Metro art’
courtesy of ‘voteprime’
Get used to this metro station, folks, because we’re thinkin’ you’re going to be heading to it quite a lot in the future. The rumors that have been circulating for months about the potential of a new restaurant/bar owned by the folks who brought us Marvin and The Gibson at 14th and U have been confirmed by the Prince of Petworth, who’s basing his report on a confirmation he received from Chris Donatelli, the developer behind the project.
Although the details are not crystal clear on what type of establishment will be, it will be dedicated in some way to Billy Simpson, the owner of Billy Simpson’s House of Seafood that occupied the space before it switched hands. If Marvin and Gibson are any indication, it’s going to be swanky and there’s going to be great beer and a patio. Suh-weeet! Am I going to be hanging out in Petworth a bunch now? Maybe not immediately, but I wouldn’t have dreamed of hanging out on U Street 8 years ago either…sign of changing times for Petworth, perhaps?
No, Petworth is not the new U street, and it never will be. H street will be if the Trolley ever goes in, but that’s a separate issue. I can think of maybe 2 good bars in Petworth and some nice cafes vs H street where I can name a 1/2 dozen, and they all double as music venues. Yes Petworth has a nice metro station, but so what? It also has Georgia avenue, which is hideous and still looks like a war zone. the 930 club helped U street happen & Petworth has no such venue. U street is near Dupont & Adams Morgan, while petworth is way north past Columbia Heights and next to Pleasant Plains with its housing projects.