IMG_0595, courtesy of Arlington Public Library
The Arlington Library has apparently put the most overdue book ever up for display in the lobby of Central Library and have some pictures in a Flickr photoset. I’m not sure this is the right message to send – the story says that the book was returned after thirty years along with a $25 check. You can see from the inner pocket that the book originally cost the library system $6.50.
$6.50 for thirty years at 11% interest, compounded monthly, is $173.60. The Arlington Library system is celebrating a deadbeat! Where’s the remaining $148.60, Sarah McKee?
me thinks it is not in the best interest of arlington public library to glorify late returns. i mean, who says i don’t want to hang on to my copy of twilight, just to see if in 45 years it makes it into a display box?
You know, my sister has an overdue book that has to be reaching the third decade mark. I should track that down..maybe if I turn her in, I can get a cut of the late fees… :OP
Whew – it wasn’t my book! I was afraid to look at the picture.