P050909PS-0024 by The Official Whitehouse Photostream
“Hey, honey, are you ready to go to the White House to meet with the president? No seriously.”
I like being comfortable as much as the next guy. In fact if I could wear my Adidas running pants or shorts and a t-shirt every day I would. But if I ever get invited to the White House, the Oval Office no less, I can assure you I’ll be wearing my best suit, not some purple top and khaki pants from 1995. While I admire the courage and strength of Richard Phillips, his wife’s attire is just downright disrespectful.
Obama’s White House is business casual on weekends – I imagine that they were told this ahead of time and dressed accordingly. Note that Obama’s not wearing a tie.
Yeah, but there’s “business casual” and then there’s “ready to do three loads of laundry casual.”
When I first saw the photo, I thought she looked awful. Then I thought “I am so shallow” for thinking that. But I’m glad to know I wasn’t alone. I mean jeez…make an effort, honey!
Wait, there is an official White House Flickr stream, with comments no less!! That’s even bigger news. Yay to Web 2.0!
Wayan, you gotta tune in more often, that was news last week.
Wow! Seriously? Who cares what people wear.
Really? I looked in the official protocol book under “How to dress when thanking the man who ordered men killed to free one’s husband” and saw no listing. And did you ever consider that was the best clothing she had? Not everybody spends all the money they can borrow on clothes.
I was like, Geez why is she making fun of this nurse, then I realized she is not a nurse.
It’s just clothing. It’s clean, it’s neat, it’s good enough. Calling out someone for not making the same sartorial choices that you would is disrespectful.
Think about all she’s been through and you decide to focus on her clothes. You are scum.