Washing the hands
Originally uploaded by Jsome1
Brownpau shot me this health alert; since he’s swamped, I’ll post it for him. Seems the Norovirus is back…
“Local health authorities have identified an outbreak of norovirus (“Cruise Ship Disease”) in the metropolitan Washington Area. It has been identified in hospitals in Washington and Montgomery County and seems to be spreading rapidly. It is recommended that for the next several weeks that you make heavy use of hand sanitizers and engage in frequent hand washing. That is particularly true if you make use of the Metro system, gyms, or attend church, movies, sporting events, or other events where large numbers of people are present (like holiday parties).”
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, possible diarrhea, stomach cramps, low-grade fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and a general sense of fatigue. It can last 24-48 hours, isn’t serious to healthy individuals (just uncomfortable), and requires fluids and rest.
So be a good person and wash them hands, okay? Carl just had it, so take it from him: “Here’s my assessment: It sucks.”