Originally uploaded by erin m
I just got word from my roommate, who is in line up at Court House right now that the line is 2 hours long for voting in Arlington. If you’re planning on voting today, be sure to get there ASAP or else you won’t make it before polls close at 7 p.m.
May the force be with you, and all that. Think of it like this – it’s your one huge civic duty, it’s worth 2 hours of your time.
Katie moved to DC in 2007, and has since embarked upon a love affair with the city. She’s an education reform advocate and communications professional during the day; at night and on the weekends, she’s an owner here at We Love DC. Katie has high goals to eat herself through the entire city, with only her running shoes to save her from herself. For up-to-the-minute news and reviews (among other musings), follow her on Twitter!
If you’re in line by 7, you’ll be able to vote.
That is for sure true on election day and I assume that’s correct for in-person absentee voting as well. It is the arrival TO vote by closing time that assures you that you will GET to vote.
That said, as a poll worker m’self, I’d be SOOOOOO much happier the earlier folks are there. We arrive at 5am in Arlington, so the idea of being there several hours past 7pm in order to process everyone excites me not at all.
This is correct. When I was there on Wednesday, one of the poll workers explained that SHE was the back of the line. At 7, she closes off the line, but everyone who was there before 7 gets to vote, no matter how late it is.
It is getting worse today. The last report of Arlington said the line was 75 minutes and counting. Saturday, being a warm sunny day, is expected to be a MADHOUSE. Get in there while you can!