Bye Bye Memory Stick

washington dc by wayan
Photo by Wayan

This would be the view down a sidewalk grate on K Street. Somewhere down there is a USB memory stick with my presentation to the World Bank.

Yes it is that kind of day.

In the midst of my misfortune, I wonder what else has been lost down the grates of DC: rings, watches, keys?

Do share if only to comerserate in your despair.

Married, mortgaged, and soon to be a father, Wayan Vota is in the fast lane to mid-life respectability – until the day his brood finds his intimate journal of global traveling and curses him with the ever-eternal reply “I’m gonna be just like you, Dad!”

4 thoughts on “Bye Bye Memory Stick

  1. I once dropped my drivers license down a street grate – standing outside a bar, the doorman handed back my license, I bobbled it, and it landed straight into the grate. Fortunately someone else was nice enough to actually open the grate and climb down to retrieve my ID for me. I’ve always had a fear of losing things down a grate, and that just made it worse.

  2. My sense of dignity.

    1. Swooshy skirt. Walking towards Metro station.
    2. Train passes under the grate, air starts coming up.
    3. Inadvertent Marilyn Monroe impression commences.


  3. My mom has emailed to ask if I was able to get the stick back.

    Um no.

    First, how do you open those grates? I assume they are locked. Then, its a 20Ft drop to the bottom and I didn’t see a ladder. Last but not least, I was not going to soil my fancy threads for it.

    I did what I do best, roll with the situation and gave the presentation free form.