In tonight’s mail, I received a very interesting letter from “Mary Holder” – she and her husband want to buy my house. All I have to do is email her at or call her on (301) 841-7316 and she sounds like she’ll come running with a bucket of cash.
Sound too good to be true? Yep, sure ‘nuf does. Especially when a closer look at the handwritten-looking letter shows that its actually mass-printed, with only my name and address written by hand.
Then there is the matter of the reply address on the card. 611 Pennsylvania Avenue SE is a UPS Store, not an office, so dear mary is looking more suspect by the moment.
Last but not least, there is the problem (for her) that not only do I love my house, I can actually afford it too. So I’ll be trashing her letter and I suggest you do the same.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs