Jonny Goldstein‘s
heart-shaped pancake
Yep, this is it, folks. If you haven’t bought a gift by now, probably you are scrambling and sweating or else are simply single and glad to not have to scramble and sweat. Don’t forget the meaning of this day, though. The whole idea is to show your love, not to empty your wallet.
Forget the cards, chocolates, flowers, sassy cats, stuffed animals and gift cards to your favorite after-church sex goods store. All that stuff is old hat. If you want to look sincere, you are going to have to be sincere and really put forth effort. Here is my list of Valentine’s Day gifts to capture the heart of that special person in your life.
Top Five Alternative Valentine’s Day Gifts
- Homemade Meal – be a regular Jonny Goldstein and cook your sweetie a nice meal. It comes from the heart, is romantic and is a great way to share something special and homemade in private, rather than going out to show off to other couples.
- Gift Certificate to a Book Store – What better way is there to show your affection than by offering to stimulate your lover’s mind? Better yet, go with him/her to pick out a special book.
- At-Home Poetry Reading – Share the beauty of poetry with your loved one. Just because Rod Stewart couldn’t “quote you no Dickens, Shelley or Keats” doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek it out and delight in the perfect proportions of poetry.
- Take a Drive – On your way somewhere for the evening? Enjoy the lights of downtown. Heck, even cross the river and see the lights of Georgetown and Foggy Bottom on the river. One of the most majestic river sights, in my opinion, is on the Key Bridge, where you can look over and see the Kennedy Center glimmering on the water and the Washington Monument in the background.
- Just be Together – What better way is there to create romance than simply being together, minds in the present moment? Enjoy each other. Talk and listen. Spend less time doing and more time just being.
What are your plans? How will you show your love today? Or do you observe this holiday at all?
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs