Get your cameras ready, local photographers. A new exhibit, Butterflies and Plants: Partners in Evolution, will be opening tomorrow at the National Museum of Natural History. According to their website, the flippy-flappies and the greeny-weenies will be hosted in “one hall, two exhibits”. The first exhibit, Partners in Evolution, is free just like every other Smithsonian offering and is an “exploration into”…*yawn*…”how insects and other animals have co-evolved with plants”. The Butterfly Pavilion is where the real fun begins, however you will have to pay $6 if you’re an adult like I am (sometimes), $5.50 if you’re a senior like Carl, $5 for members, and $4.50 for groups of 10 or more. But wait! If you can somehow swing into the exhibit on a Tuesday, it will cost you nothing. Be prepared to be swarmed by lots of beautiful butterflies.
If you thought the National Geographic frog exhibit was cool, wait until you check this out. From a photography standpoint, I’d recommend a fast, long lens (maybe a 70-200mm f/2.8 or a macro lens if you’ve got one) and a high ISO setting. Sometimes you’re lucky to find a butterfly at a complete standstill at these types of exhibits, but usually you’ll need a fast shutter speed to get a clean shot. And please, post any and all of your shots to our Metroblogging Washington DC Flickr Pool!
Photo by Mangiwau
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs