Today’s WaPo has an article mentioning Michael Bobbitt’s helming the Adventure Theater in Glen Echo Park as artistic director. The theater’s been newly renovated and is kicking off this Saturday. It’s a pretty fair value at $12 a seat, I think, but you can come enjoy some of the festivities for free, including crafts for the kids, a storyteller at 12:30 and 3p, and tours and a chance to watch some of the rehersal for their upcoming “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” show. If you’re willing to part with some coin the The Secret Garden is at 1:30p
As Micheal is quoted in the Post story, “Where else can you go and see a play and then ride a carousel?” Capitol Weather predicts clear skies and temps in the 50s – not great carousel weather but hey, it’s November.
I’m looking forward to seeing what they do and hope they’re roaringly successful. I’ve met Micheal a few times, most recently at Fringe when attending the show he directed, Queen of the Bohemian Dream. I’m hesitant to mention this, given that it’s one of the couple of shows I never got around to writing up, despite being one of the ones my darling girlfriend and I enjoyed the most.
Of course the real reason I’m ashamed is that I failed to do the writeup after he was so gracious to us personally. We came in having hustled over from another show and found ourselves taking a couple of the last few seats. They were at the top corner of the bleachers…. right under a positively roaring air conditioning vent. When he was walking by I recognized him and waved at him to ask him if I had time to dash out to the car for a coat for my shivering darling girlfriend. He said no, they were about to start… and doffed his own jacket and handed it over. A nice thing to do for anyone, but particularly thoughtful for someone he’d only ever been introduced to in passing. That same generosity comes across on the blog where he writes about some of the goings-ons at Adventure and solicits feedback and suggestions for future shows. Give it a look.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs