Where’s the Beef?


My salivary glands are usually on overload when I wander around a Whole Foods, or what others refer to as “Whole Paycheck”. That’s not to say I’m slobbering on their fresh ears of corn in the summer or drooling on their humanely raised meat display case, but compared to places such as Safeway, it’s like a little grocery oasis in the city.

That is until I stumbled upon this little goody: “Meatless Nuggets”.

I’m all for those who choose to be vegetarian or vegan, whether they do so because they’re against animal cruelty, against polluting our environment, or just because they think it’s a healthier lifestyle. But do you have to name your food items with such strange names like “meatless nuggets”, “Tofurkey”, or “egg replacer”? It’s like us carnivores coming up with food names like “sinewy stew”, “meaty morsels”, or “SPAM”.

Just out of curiosity, can someone tell me what a “meatless nugget” consists of?

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

Hailing from the Mile High City, Max has also lived in Tinsel Town, the Emerald City, as well as the City of Brotherly Love. Now a District resident, he likes to write about cool photos by local photographers, the DC restaurant and bar scene, or anything else that pops into his mind.

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