In what may be a great case study on how blogging now influences major media outlets and confirmation that I am in the blogging big leagues, 60 Minutes will be focusing on the other website I contribute to: OLPC News.
Famed reporter Lesley Stahl will be covering MIT Professor Nicholas Negroponte’s progress with One Laptop Per Child, his dream of one-to-one computing as an educational boost, a way for children in the developing world to “learn learning”.
Ms. Stahl will have on-location reports from OLPC testing in Brazil. With 13 million viewers on average every Sunday night at 7pm, the coverage of OLPC should be a major boost in profile for the project.
Lesley Stahl will also be interviewing an obsessive follower of OLPC XO advances, a technology in development expert who publishes the informative and influential OLPC News: your favorite DC Metroblogger, Wayan.

Lesley and I, interviewing
I am told OLPC News and I will be an integral part of the One Laptop Per Child segment of the CBS News program, including video of an interview I had with Lesley Stahl in New York City.
There should be a distinct focus on OLPC News as the medium by which those interested in the “$100 laptop” can go for independent news, information, and commentary.
So be sure to tune in and watch me geek out on one-to-one computing in education. Cheers, jeers, and beers welcome.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs