Today should be a snow day in Washington DC. The Federal Government should join with every school district in the region and declare this a full snow emergency closure – a day off so we can dig out.
Yes, I know, for those from Buffalo, this isn’t even a dusting. Well then, go back to Buffalo and dig them out. Here, this snow has stopped local transportation cold.
The snowplow you see here – that’s 10:45am. K Street may be open to traffic but no side streets are. I watched a taxi skid down Mt. Pleasant Avenue this morning, narrowly missing pedestrians and parked cars.
And yet the Federalies say the government is open on a liberal leave policy. Um, thanks. That means the rest of DC economy, which all follows the Federal Government in snow rules, is trying to be open for business.
And failing miserably.
Are you at work? Can you get anything done? I think not. And yet here we sit in the office while we could be helping neighbours & ourselves prepare for a productive Thursday.
Today should be a snow day.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs