Ewww, that’s not what I meant. Stop smirking, you perv.
No, I mean the Capitol Weather Snow Lover’s Crystal Ball! Tom linked to their advisories earlier but made no comment of this stalwart feature’s return.
Now you already know that I loves me some Capitol Weather, but the Snow Lover’s Crystal Ball has to be my second-favorite little highlight on the site (right behind the wonderful confidence meter). I don’t know where y’all hail from, but I grew up in a town where it has snowed once.
Let me assure you that there was no accumulation. So having lived in a more northern climate for only five years, I still get a goofy smile when the snow starts falling. The return of Cap Weather’s snow predictor means it’s that time again and just the sight of that indicator of the possibility is enough to bring a smile to my face.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs