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I was driving to work a few days ago (which is unfortunately in Virginia) and I noticed that the oversized SUV in front of me had a peculiar looking license plate. I squinted to get a good look and then my brain hurt. Why? Why would you want this on the back of your car? What do the words “Fight Terrorism” on a license plate actually accomplish? To me that’s like having the words “Fight Obesity” tattooed on your buttocks, one word on each cheek. Or “Fight Fatigue” on a pack of cigarettes. If I ever felt the urge to buy a custom license plate, I’d prefer to have the one that says “Fight For Your Right to Party”, or maybe just “Fight!”

Can anyone tell me what this is all about? It’s entirely possible that I’m just missing the point here.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

Hailing from the Mile High City, Max has also lived in Tinsel Town, the Emerald City, as well as the City of Brotherly Love. Now a District resident, he likes to write about cool photos by local photographers, the DC restaurant and bar scene, or anything else that pops into his mind.

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