I’m loving this creepy photo of the Washington Monument by andertho. Maybe it’s just me, but the dark silhouettes, the spooky blue lighting, and the burnt out lamp all give me the willies. This is definitely not a night that you want to be walking around the Mall for fear of the Headless Horseman lopping your melon off, or Jack the Ripper…well…you know what Jack does, and it isn’t pleasant.
Seriously, I really like this photo because it sets up a certain mood for the viewer and shows our beloved monument in a new and different way. The tree on the right is a little distracting and I’d prefer if the exposure was a skosh brighter, but overall it’s a job well done in my book. I just hope a mute guy on a horse isn’t galloping around with andertho’s head in his grasp….
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs