Now let’s imagine that you are a wanna-be Olympic-distance triathlete, and after your morning bike ride through Rock Creek Park, you decide to complete your brick workout with a nice run up through the National Zoo.
Usually this means charging uphill from Rock Creek to Connecticut in a blur of sweat and breath that makes the waddlers coming down hill cringe in pain. That is when it’s not Taishan’s birthday.
Today, it was total stroller derby as wave upon wave of panda passionate parents bore down on me from the heights of Connecticut Avenue, their brood clutching panda dolls, wearing panda stickers, and yapping panda facts.
And once I reached Connecticut, the waves did not abate. Up they streamed from Woodley Park Metro (even though Cleveland Park Metro is closer) filling the sidewalks on both sides of the streets. Even when back in Mt Pleasant I could not run the sidewalks, they were long ago usurped by baby strollers and baying kids.
Today, it’s total panda-monium at the National Zoo.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs