9996% of your daily nerd allowance

Apparently everyone knew it was the season of Powerpoint-as-entertainment except me. First Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” hits the theaters and now…. Leonard Nemoy “narrating” for an Orchestra? Tomorrow at Wolf Trap the National Symphony Orchestra will perform Holst’s The Planets, music from Star Trek, Star Wars “and other science fiction films” while the Artist Formerly Known As Spock will…. narrate.

If you have any idea how someone narrates a piece of classical music (with perhaps the exception of “Peter and the Wolf”) by all means, let me know.

Apparently Nimoy and conductor Emil de Cou have written something in partnership “that brings together astronomy, science fiction, and some irreverent fun” for the rendition of The Planets. The second half’s survey of film music will also include some amount of yammering and both halves will be accompanied by “images.” Your guess is as good as mine.

Personally I’d just as soon peruse NASA’s multimedia archive and Image of the Day from home while listening to Holst without talking accompaniment, but that’s just me. If you’re at all intrigued it looks like lawn seats are still available for $18 and Capitol Weather projects clear skies and highs of 81 – pretty nice for July – for tomorrow. Take a blanket, cooler full of Yoo-Hoo and sit under the stars.

This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs

Well I used to say something in my profile about not quite being a “tinker, tailor, soldier, or spy” but Tom stole that for our about us page, so I guess I’ll have to find another way to express that I am a man of many interests.

Hmm, guess I just did.

My tastes run the gamut from sophomoric to Shakespeare and in my “professional” life I’ve sold things, served beer, written software, and carried heavy objects… sometimes at the same place. It’s that range of loves and activities that makes it so easy for me to love DC – we’ve got it all.


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