While driving up Duke street today to go test-drive a new junker (anyone got a sub-$1500 van they wanna sell?) I passed Landmark Mall, where there’s a big ol’ circus tent set up in the parking lot with a giant banner proclaiming “HOT TUBS!” I thought it might just be my brain rebelling over low coffee intake, but no – the Landmark marquee by the entrance backed them up – Hot Tub sale through Sunday, Location: Parking lot.
Are there a lot of gypsy-like hot tub vendors roaming the world, plying their wares? Are there a lot of potential customers sitting around thinking to themselves, “You know, I could really go for a hot tub, but I’m not comfortable spending a few thousand bucks at a fixed location like a pool store. If only there was a slightly more mobile place I could unload this dough, preferably somewhere with a kind of fly-by-night kind feel.”
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs