Another Empty X2
Why do I always see you empty as you pass McPherson Square?
You start out at the Minnesota Ave Metro Station and drive Benning Road and then H Street NE, but yet, here, downtown, where you should be full, you are empty. I see you as I board the S busses, all packed to the shouts of “move back, please” and I envy.
You are empty, nary a ride I view, and you roll around with arrogance. From the right to the left of I Street you move, as you pass 15th, not a care or a passenger to worry your drive. You would think, with your long trip, you might have some to deliver here, downtown, and yet, you do not. Ever, that I see.
Might you then end sooner, before Lafayette Square, so you can be better ridden, or at least less envied? I wish I had an empty X2, late, as I crowd onto an S2.
Justice or efficiency, that is all I ask.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs