So my housemate is splitting town, heading to NYC for a change of scene. This leaves me with an empty room and 1/2 the rent to cover. At $1,280, its less than many one-bedrooms, but as I’m cheap and social, I’m gonna rent out the second room again.
Rent it out via the tried, true, and crazy Craigslist housing ads. I’ve personally had great luck in looking for a spot via Craigslist, better than relying on those who said they were friends anyway. That only leads to bittersweet birthdays.
No, through Craigslist I’ve had good moving times and I hope this will be no exception. At least in showing my place, I’m better than the crazies that lead to this Craigslist rant about the housing market in DC. I treat ’em right, with good tours, honest answers, and quick replies. Hey, its how I hope to be treated when I’m looking again.
This post appeared in its original form at DC Metblogs